Daily Lead Modifiers
- Nullify Singe: Void damage increases somewhat from all sources.
- Grenadier: Grenade capacities deal even more damages and charge much quicker.
- Based: Damage taken while you are airborne is significantly raised.
Daily Battleground Modifiers
- Invalidate Singe: Space damage boosts somewhat from all resources.
- Brawler: Melee abilities deal more damages as well as reenergize much quicker.
Daily Award Tasks
- Epic Lost Market (PL 1300): Veles Labyrinth, Cosmodrome, goes down Chest
- Master Lost Field (PL 1330): Exodus Garden 2A, Cosmodrome, drops Arms
- Altars of Grief Weapon: Blasphemer (Shotgun)
Gunsmith Supply
- Targeting Adjuster: This tool acquires better target purchase.
- Submachine Gun Scavenger: Submachine Weapons get bonus reserves when you get ammunition.
- Update Component (1 for 1 Enhancement Core & & 10 Legendary Shards & & 25 Etheric Spiral & & 5000 Twinkle)
- Upgrade Component (1 for 1 Improvement Core & & 10 Legendary Shards & & 25 Antarctic Starwort & & 5000 Twinkle)
- Improvement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & & 25 Etheric Spiral & & 10000 Glimmer)
- Improvement Prism (1 for 10 Improvement Core & & 25 Spinmetal Leaves & & 10000 Twinkle)
- Ascendant Fragment (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & & 100 Etheric Spiral & & 50000 Glimmer)
Crawler Product Market
- Purchase Improvement Prisms (1 for 400 Fabulous Shards)
- Acquisition Improvement Cores (1 for 30 Legendary Shards)
- Purchase Twinkle (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
- Purchase Dusklight Shards (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
- Acquisition Etheric Spiral (5 for 5000 Glimmer)
- Purchase Baryon Boughs (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
- Acquisition Spinmetal Leaves (5 for 5000 Twinkle)
Fate 2 Daily Reset 3/9/2021
Destiny 2 –– The Third Axiom God Roll Overview